F.A.Q- Non Executive Director (NED)
We are often asked what are the specifics of an Non Executive Director (NED) role within an organisation and this page aims to answer common questions regarding what it means to be a NED.
Our experience has given us key lessons that provide the understanding to lend expert advice and guidance on the Non-Executive marketplace, as well working with Executives seeking either their first NED role or seeking to extend their portfolio.
Non-Exec Guides
If you are considering being a non-exec or want to know what to look for when hiring for non-execs, then download our guides below:
Quick Page Links
1. What is an Non Executive Director?
2. What are the responsibilities of a NED?
3. What are the key attributes that effective NEDs possess?
We have excellent knowledge of the executive landscape which allows the team at Moon to quickly identify the right NED for an organisation. The reach of our connections gives our consultants the edge when appointed an NED.
Very few of our roles are advertised, Governance and clear understanding of your legal and fiduciary responsibilities is of huge importance when we look to source credible candidates.
You can visit our Talent Pool page for more information about the connections that we have, and below are some of the NEDs in our orbit:
What is a Non Executive Director (NED)?
A non-executive director (abbreviated to non-exec, NED or NXD), independent director or external director is a member of the board of directors of a company or organisation, but not a member of the executive management team.
Part of the role is to provide an impartial and independent view to support the executive team. The non-exec is to be engaged with the businesses landscape but with a certain detachment although they share the same legal responsibilities as the executive directors. This allows a different perspective to provide valuable insight into the business and the surrounding landscape.
Instead of being involved in the day-to-day operations of the business, they are employed for their neutral oversight and reach. They can give a specialist advice regarding corporate governance, risk management and succession planning for an organisation.
What are the Key Responsibilities of a NED?
The nature of the NED role requires certain qualities from the candidate for their appointment to be successful. According to research carried out by Roffey Park, the attributes or qualities most desired in a NED are:
“Analytical, Articulate, Confident, Decisive, Honest, Integrity, Good judgement, Persuasive, Self-aware, Emotionally intelligent”
What are the Key Attributes of a NED?
The NED monitors the executive management and play a key role in succession planning.
The NED has a duty to ensure the company accounts properly to its shareholders, presenting a fair reflection of itself.
The NED has input towards deciding the appropriate levels of remuneration of executive directors.
The detached position of the NED allows them to survey the opportunities and threats to the organisation.
Their contacts and opinions can connect the business and board with networks of useful people and organisations.
Ensuring the integrity of financial information, controls and systems of risk management are dependable.
Why do some organisations hire NEDs?
Every client’s situation different and our job as recruiters is to establish the needs of the business and their future plans. The reasons for Non-Exec recruitment are varied but usually fall into one of two categories:
Those looking for transformation and embrace a very different future, by disruption, innovation, and growth
Clients are searching for assured leaders that can provide stability in times of fluctuation
Often a business may be seeking to simply strengthen and diversify their Board skills. Other organisations hire a NED in readiness for some specific corporate activity such as an IPO.
One client said that they wanted a NED to share a drink with around the fireplace and openly discuss the issues that the business was facing. A good NED will identify problems and then the Board can begin to create solutions.
Alternatively, the business may wish to refocus their strategic plans or seek challenge and intervention from an external Director to counter the danger of ‘Group Think’. Our Clients also sometimes seek sector experience or relevant knowledge of a supply chain.
Other key areas for the NED would be to further develop commercial and marketing affairs, strategy, operational management, organisational structure, and corporate governance.
Other NED hires are based on adding top line strategic help to the executive team. Identifying and filling skill gaps within a leadership team can make a huge difference to the effectiveness and profit of an organisation.
Some appointments are based on the clients recognising the importance of robust corporate governance practices, with strict fiduciary adherence with audit and risk at the heart of the search.
One client wanted to ensure that their incoming NED would bring a high degree of independence to the Board, offering guidance, support, challenge, expertise, and an objective perspective on the key matters of financial services. Other key areas for the NED would be to further develop commercial and marketing affairs, strategy, operational management, organisational structure, and corporate governance.
How can Moon Executive Search help?
Accomplished commercial business leader, currently steering one of the top 100 privately owned business in the UK.
Excellent record of matching complex shareholder requirements with commercial success. Outstanding developer of consumer led strategies delivered through multiple channels.
Positive "can do" approach to opportunities and challenges, focusing on of purpose, behaviours and values with a collaborative approach.
To find out more, please contact us and quote:
Ref - CN10752
An inspiring individual with exceptional leadership and governance experience. Multi-sector non-executive director portfolio and successful senior executive professional.
Demonstrable expertise in strategy development, Charity Commission governance and commercial growth and a passionate communicator.
Leadership of mergers & acquisitions in from both executive and non- executive perspective. Ability to focus on core issues while
maintaining strength of the organisation.
To find out more, please contact us and quote:
Ref - CN27959
NED/Board Advisor
Main Board Director and Board Advisor with significant governance and risk management experience as Audit Committee Chair and member.
A qualified accountant with extensive executive experience as COO. FD and Company Secretary to Boards across the sectors.
An excellent communicator, with the ability to appreciate issues from a variety of different strategic perspectives, and with the creativity and drive to change things for the better.
To find out more, please contact us and quote:
Ref - CN7561
An energetic and performance-focused Executive and Non-Executive Director with strategic and creative leadership.
A norm entrepreneur with a strong commercial background in open data, media, technology, and creative digital environments, extensive communications, and media experience.
Passionate about driving change through the use of technology. focusing on vulnerable human beings and the planet.
To find out more, please contact us and quote:
Ref - CN2324
Experienced Executive and Non-Executive Board member in the UK and abroad, passion for making a positive difference.
Highly-qualified communications, research, and strategy specialist with 30 years' of experience in Higher Education, cultural and creative industries, and the voluntary sector.
Adept at organisational strategic planning and implementation, having managed ₤13m pa portfolio of research projects.
To find out more, please contact us and quote:
Ref - CN24739
Independent NED
Serial entrepreneur and innovator with broad experience of technology startups and scale ups.
A Chartered Director with an interest in corporate governance. succession planning and supporting founder journeys, working across boundaries of business, public sector and universities.
he has experience of taking a business to IPO with an extensive business and political network locally and nationally.
To find out more, please contact us and quote:
Ref - CN16667